

テーマはHealing, Wellbeing, Wisdomです。約1か月毎日朝晩世界中の様々な講師、先生、スピリチュアル先生、ヨガ先生なの講座や貴重なレクチャーは無料で参加できます。現在の状況にピッタリの内容です。

Namaste! I am honored to give presentation on the topic of ‘Integrating Zen Practice into Yoga’ on 5th July 2021 at 10:30-11:30 Japan time.
Global Festival of Yoga 2021 with the theme of Healing, Wellbeing and Wisdom, organized by Indica Yoga. This is month long event and participation is free. Feel free to register for morning or evening session .

This is a great chance to listen have satsanga’ and practice with world renowned Yoga Master, Acharya, Guruji and Spiritual masters every day. Let’s spread the positive energy. Namaste!

GFY -21, Day-15 Join us for tomorrow morning practical session on ‘Integrating Zen Practices into Yoga’ with Sri. Ganesh Giri, Founder, Indodhiki Yoga, Japan @ 7:00 am IST and again later in the evening wisdom session on ‘Healing Through the Mahabharata’ with Sri. Raghu Anantanarayanan, Founder, Ritambhara Ashram, Nilagiris @ 7:00 pm IST, 5th July, 2021
To register use the following links below:
Morning Session:https://indicacademy.zoom.us/.../WN_i8WCU856RR6NLcT72XHVPA
Evening Session: https://indicacademy.zoom.us/.../WN_Y3Ute2uZT1GGrBVk6c2Bfw
It’s a free and open session for all seekers.
(Note this is a common link for all Morning & Evening sessions. You need not re-register if you have already registered)
Indic Academy Softpower Anuradha Choudry Vinayachandra Banavathy Indic Today


Posted by ギリ at 14:32Comments(0)インド式ヨガ