

皆さん昨日雨の中ありがとうございました。一番嬉しかったのは26日に延期なってから自由ヨガは雨降っていても沢山の方大人、子供たち雨にもかかわらず一緒にヨガやっていました。熊本向けの募金もありがとうございました。Thank you all for joining World Yoga day in Wakayama. It is postponed to 26th June due to rain. There was a great moment when many of the participants were doing free time yoga together in rain. It was like they were enjoying the Yoga or should I say enjoying the rain. Also thank you for your donation for Kumamoto.


Posted by ギリ at 08:08Comments(0)インド式ヨガInternational