

和歌山県かつらぎ町世界遺産丹生都比売神社の花盛祭パレードに参加しました。日本の文化、歴史を体験させて頂いています。ありがとうございます。Took part in Traditional Parade of Flower Festival ‘Hanamorisai’ at World Heritage Nyutsuhime Shrine in Katsuragi Town Wakayama Prefecture.
Niutsuhime Shrine is an ancient shrine with a history of over 1,700 years. It is also the head shrine of 180 other shrines around Japan that worship the great Niutsuhime-no-Okami deity. The shrine is a sacred place for both Shintoism and Buddhism and is registered as an official World Heritage Site. The two-storied romon gate and the four giant inner shrines built during the Muromachi period are registered as official important cultural properties. Within the grounds of the shrine near the main entrance is Kagami Pond, over which there is a stunning red lacquered arched bridge that is sure to catch one’s eyes. During the New Year are beautiful illuminations and every April, in spring, a grand festival called Hanamorisai is held.


Posted by ギリ at 22:09Comments(0)インド式ヨガSpiritual