インド式ヨガへお申込み:TEL 073-433-0035(ビッグウェーブ)〒640-8319 和歌山市手平2丁目1-1
Photo shooting for Office Yoga and its benefits to be published in Wakayama Sports Foundation Magazine. Will inform the steps and benefits of Office Yoga when Sports Magazine is ready. Thank you Sensei ! This is the hall where I conduct Indoshiki Yoga every week.

インド式ヨガへお申込み:TEL 073-433-0035(ビッグウェーブ)〒640-8319 和歌山市手平2丁目1-1
Photo shooting for Office Yoga and its benefits to be published in Wakayama Sports Foundation Magazine. Will inform the steps and benefits of Office Yoga when Sports Magazine is ready. Thank you Sensei ! This is the hall where I conduct Indoshiki Yoga every week.

Nさん、無農薬和歌山産レモンをヨガサークルの皆さんに分けてありがとうございます。Thank you N san for bringing Organic fresh Lemons from your family garden and sharing with all yoga students.