公益財団法人 和歌山県スポーツ振興財団、秋葉山のプール、TSA Group、和歌山県国際交流センターの協力とたくさんのヨガの仲間、友達、知り合いの方々からいただいた寄付は6月22日に大阪にあるネパール総領事館へ届けました。たくさんの方々、こどもたちからの貯金箱の重いコインも含めて募金いただきました。集まった金額は177,577円(Nepal Rupee 1,46,728)です。尚ビッグ愛の芝生で行ったチャリティーヨガの募金は県国際交流センターがあつめております。ビッグ愛サンセット芝生ヨガとネパール中心のInternational Caféで当日の募金額は約22万円でした。一日もハイやい回復祈っています。たくさんの協力、支援ありがとうございました。毎日新聞、ニュース和歌山、わかやま新報、テレビ和歌山その他の団体の協力ありがとうございました。
Fund raised in Yoga classes, Charity Yoga events and collected from friends, well-wishers for Nepal earthquake relief, presented to Honorary Consulate General Osaka on 22nd June 2015 to be sent to Government of Nepal for earthquake relief. Total amount collected is JPY 177,577 (One hundred seventy seven thousand five hundred seventy seven.) Thank you all for your kind support Wakayama Prefectural Sports Promotion Foundation, Wakayama International Exchange Center, TSA Group, Akibasan Pool, Mainichi Shinbun, News Wakayama, Wakayama Shimpo, TV Wakayama.
Donation amount collected on Yoga Charity event on 17th May at Big Ai Lawn has been collected by Wakayama International Exchange Center (WIXAS). (Charity Yoga and International Café for Nepal held on 17th May raised the amount about JPY 220,000 on same day organized by Wakayama International Exchange Center). Thank you all for your kind support and encouragement. Wish and pray for early recovery of Nepal.

Fund raised in Yoga classes, Charity Yoga events and collected from friends, well-wishers for Nepal earthquake relief, presented to Honorary Consulate General Osaka on 22nd June 2015 to be sent to Government of Nepal for earthquake relief. Total amount collected is JPY 177,577 (One hundred seventy seven thousand five hundred seventy seven.) Thank you all for your kind support Wakayama Prefectural Sports Promotion Foundation, Wakayama International Exchange Center, TSA Group, Akibasan Pool, Mainichi Shinbun, News Wakayama, Wakayama Shimpo, TV Wakayama.
Donation amount collected on Yoga Charity event on 17th May at Big Ai Lawn has been collected by Wakayama International Exchange Center (WIXAS). (Charity Yoga and International Café for Nepal held on 17th May raised the amount about JPY 220,000 on same day organized by Wakayama International Exchange Center). Thank you all for your kind support and encouragement. Wish and pray for early recovery of Nepal.
