Raphael Melo 先生♂️、インドの伝統的の言葉サンスクリット語の知識もすごくてヨガにうまく取り組んでいました。
(会場:ココナッツの木で囲まれ、小さな川の音と緑、涼しい風にバランスとったヨガと瞑想によい場所、Bali Spirit Festival バリ島)
Taking Yoga & Mediation session in Bali Spirit Festival with Yoga Master Raphael Carreiro de Melo,
with deep knowledge of Sanskrit and Vedic Mantras. Sensei also fluent in Chinese.
The venue was perfect location for yoga & Meditation, Small River stream flowing in back, cool breeze giving perfect BGM, surrounded by lush and green Coconut trees. Thank you Master. Hope to see you again sometime.

(会場:ココナッツの木で囲まれ、小さな川の音と緑、涼しい風にバランスとったヨガと瞑想によい場所、Bali Spirit Festival バリ島)
Taking Yoga & Mediation session in Bali Spirit Festival with Yoga Master Raphael Carreiro de Melo,
with deep knowledge of Sanskrit and Vedic Mantras. Sensei also fluent in Chinese.
The venue was perfect location for yoga & Meditation, Small River stream flowing in back, cool breeze giving perfect BGM, surrounded by lush and green Coconut trees. Thank you Master. Hope to see you again sometime.