Saturday, 6 February 2016
場所:河北コミュニティセンター 調理室
〒640-8464 和歌山市市小路192−3 電話:073-480-3610
・Jeera Aloo(香ばしいのクミンジャガイモ)
参加費: ¥3,000。小学生¥1,500。 材料費、場所代、持ち帰り、お土産含む。(お土産は大人のみ)。
メール: yogasekai@yahoo.co.jp
Ayurveda / आयुर्वेद is India's traditional healing system, its profound system of mind-body medicine, natural living, and Yogic health. Ayurveda means 'science of life' , recognized with dietary, herbal, life style and yogic therapies that help us live longer, happier, wiser and more in harmony with the greater universe of life and consciousness. On 6th Feb. we will be cooking food based on Ayurveda using fresh and seasonal vegetables and ingredients. Usage of spices and its benefits also will be explained.
All vegetarian menu for 6th Feb.
· Jeera Rice
・ Roti: Home cook Nan/bread by 100% wheat.
· Jeera Aloo (Cumin potato)
. Vegetables / greens with garlic
· Seasonal Salad sprinkled with mild spice.
· Soya Chai- soy milk Chai (adding ginger and pepper for winter)
Things to bring: apron, hand towel, Bandana, take-out containers.
Let's cook and eat together.
Instructor: Ganesh Giri
Limited to First 20
Fee: JPY3000/ Per person (Food, Study Material, gift included)
e-mail: yogasekai@yahoo.co.jp
Mobile : 090 4282 2925

Saturday, 6 February 2016
場所:河北コミュニティセンター 調理室
〒640-8464 和歌山市市小路192−3 電話:073-480-3610
・Jeera Aloo(香ばしいのクミンジャガイモ)
参加費: ¥3,000。小学生¥1,500。 材料費、場所代、持ち帰り、お土産含む。(お土産は大人のみ)。
メール: yogasekai@yahoo.co.jp
Ayurveda / आयुर्वेद is India's traditional healing system, its profound system of mind-body medicine, natural living, and Yogic health. Ayurveda means 'science of life' , recognized with dietary, herbal, life style and yogic therapies that help us live longer, happier, wiser and more in harmony with the greater universe of life and consciousness. On 6th Feb. we will be cooking food based on Ayurveda using fresh and seasonal vegetables and ingredients. Usage of spices and its benefits also will be explained.
All vegetarian menu for 6th Feb.
· Jeera Rice
・ Roti: Home cook Nan/bread by 100% wheat.
· Jeera Aloo (Cumin potato)
. Vegetables / greens with garlic
· Seasonal Salad sprinkled with mild spice.
· Soya Chai- soy milk Chai (adding ginger and pepper for winter)
Things to bring: apron, hand towel, Bandana, take-out containers.
Let's cook and eat together.
Instructor: Ganesh Giri
Limited to First 20
Fee: JPY3000/ Per person (Food, Study Material, gift included)
e-mail: yogasekai@yahoo.co.jp
Mobile : 090 4282 2925

12月21日(月)和歌山市内から42号線に有田、海南、御坊、田辺、みなべ、白浜、新宮、川湯温泉あたりでもちまきのイベントあれば教えていただければ幸いです。 メールに連絡いただいても大丈夫です。よろしくお願いします。メール: yogasekai@yahoo.co.jp