

インドからオンラインでGeeta Parivar の校長先生によるカルマヨガの説明とQ&Aタイムで前向きになる、勇気出る、元気が出る勉強、知恵で2023年の活動に取り組んでいきます。皆さんにも2023年良い年でありますように!
Happy New Year! ❤️
31st December 2022 closing with Bhagvad Geeta study/vivechna on Karma Yog by Dr. Sanjay Malpani of Geeta Parivar. I shall implement these Karma Yog teachings in my daily routine.
This will be moral boosting for me for the Year 2023.
Wish you all very happy New Year 2023.
In India we have different New Years depending on the location and tradition.
As per Hindu Calendar after April next Year it will be Year 2080.


Posted by ギリ at 08:25Comments(0)インド式ヨガInternational