ヨガ、瞑想、座禅、講演、自然かぞく食堂(子ども食堂)すべて出来る環境のお寺和歌山一乗寺 (いちじょうじ) です。和歌山市日赤の裏です。
Had a meeting with Priest of Japanese Buddhist Temple in Wakayama City behind the Red Cross Hospital.
Very energetic and passionate about involving temple in community activities so that general people also feel more connected and being taken care.
He has also shown interest to learn about Indian Buddhism and requested to hold the seminar. Now I need to polish and updated my Buddhist knowledge. Great opportunity.
This temple has large Hall for prayer, Chanting, Yoga and Zen Meditation along with , Kitchen and dining hall.
We discussed to conduct Yoga, Meditation and community meal, Langar, Bhandara for general public. Shall keep on updating for upcoming events.
Buddahm Sharanam Gacchami!

ヨガ、瞑想、座禅、講演、自然かぞく食堂(子ども食堂)すべて出来る環境のお寺和歌山一乗寺 (いちじょうじ) です。和歌山市日赤の裏です。
Had a meeting with Priest of Japanese Buddhist Temple in Wakayama City behind the Red Cross Hospital.
Very energetic and passionate about involving temple in community activities so that general people also feel more connected and being taken care.
He has also shown interest to learn about Indian Buddhism and requested to hold the seminar. Now I need to polish and updated my Buddhist knowledge. Great opportunity.
This temple has large Hall for prayer, Chanting, Yoga and Zen Meditation along with , Kitchen and dining hall.
We discussed to conduct Yoga, Meditation and community meal, Langar, Bhandara for general public. Shall keep on updating for upcoming events.
Buddahm Sharanam Gacchami!